A:查council tax
A:Landlords Beware: Five Ways HMRC Find Out About Undeclared Rental Incomehttps://taxhell.co.uk/how-do-hmrc-find-out-about-rental-income/AgenciesAgencies are required by law to submit the details of landlords they work with and fees. If you get your tenants through an agency HMRC will know about it.DepositsSince 2007 rental deposits have had to be protected by an authorised deposit scheme. HMRC have access to this information.Stamp dutyIf you paid stamp duty land tax (STLT)when you bought the property HMRC will know about it.Electoral registerHMRC use the electoral register to establish who is living at the address, so with the stamp duty information they can marry up a mismatch.People grassing you upHMRC take angry ex-partners, jealous friends and disgruntled tenants seriously – especially if they can come up with evidence.________________HMRC has invested over £80 million into developing their Connect system, a powerful computer programme which has access to a range of databases containing personal and financial information. It can match these records to tax returns and identify discrepancies in seconds. Connect has access to more than 30 sources of data, including the Land Registry, and its power is increasing as it is set to access international records from 2017 onwards.By accessing Land Registry databases and mortgage information, Connect can identify the price you paid for a property, link you to any properties you own and flag areas where tax is potentially owed. This could trigger an investigation, or a letter under the current Let Property Campaign.

A:https://www.gov.uk/renting-out-a-property/paying-tax ,没关系,报不报税跟工资没关系,交税的金额有关系
A:10年以前是规定中介替你报的,你收到的中介转账都是扣掉了一切的,除非你有exemption 的证明,这个也是自己向税务方面申请了拿给中介看一眼。后来改成中介不报只监督了,如果没有salary income缴税,又有regular income进账的确实很扎眼。